Your Summary screen displays your performance in two sections. The top section shows totals and averages. The bottom section is detailed information by member.
Number of Active Members Received From, Given To, and Met With are measures of your involvement with the group. You'd like to receive business from everyone and give business back...the first two numbers show how wide your base is. Met With shows how well you're getting to know each other. Visitors Brought is obviously a key measure of involvement.
One number that deserves a warning is the Give/Take ratio. Ideally, the ratio would equal 1.0, meaning that you give as much as you get. The ratio is a good way to recognize givers...but should not necessarily be used to penalize those who are getting. Some members may be easy to give to or may simply be "on a roll." Take this ratio with a grain of salt.
You may view a similar Summary for any member of your group. To view summaries of other members, simply click on the drop-down box and select the summary you desire. Remember to select the appropriate timeframe as well. Data is tracked on a calendar year basis.
Transaction History
This screen is useful for remembering what information you've already entered. Simply click the column heading on which you'd like to sort the information. You may review transactions for yourself or any other chapter member. If the box in the Approved column is not checked, then the Admin denied the entry or a recent entry is pending approval.
If a transaction needs to be changed/corrected, please contact your Admin. The Admin has the ability to search a similar screen and change the history.
Closed Referrals
Here you will see the history of referrals that used to be on your Open Referrals screen. You may search by date. Your referrals will be totaled, and a percentage shown for your results. Those same totals and percentages are illustrated as a classic "sales funnel."
Two sales funnels are displayed. The first is Without Bad Leads…which means that we calculate percentages as though the bad leads were never passed. Referrals that are still open are not counted. This funnel is a good representation of your sales ability when passed quality referrals. The second funnel, Including Bad Leads, represents both your sales ability AND the quality of leads your group is passing.
For suggestions on improving the flow of your sales funnel, contact your organizational leadership or read one of the many books available on the topic.
The Chapter Summary provides monthly and annual totals and averages. Your giving is pulled from your summary page so you can see your impact on the chapter. "Average Number of Active Members Given To and Received From" is an indication of how well the chapter is spreading the wealth. Compare this number to the related numbers on your Summary screen.
Charts provide several illustrations of the revenue generated by your chapter: Business "for self" versus business outside of your group (obviously, you'd like more introductions to people outside of your chapter); New business versus repeat business; and a sales funnel that shows your chapter's referral strength.
Sphere totals and averages are yet another way of viewing the chapter's strengths. You will also see the chapter's annual totals since inception.
We will add more ranked categories over time. Those that we have selected initially are critical indicators of individual performance when viewed as a whole. Different members may contribute in different ways that are valuable. For example, one member might be struggling with passing revenue right now, but that same person is bringing numerous visitors. Those visitors may become new members or sources of revenue. The key is to keep all categories of participation in mind.
Caution: Don't be afraid to show that you are receiving a lot of revenue. Most members will understand that you may be easy to give to or that you have been in the group for a long time. Reporting revenue is good for the group and encourages those who give to you. Over time, maybe you can give as much as you get.
Average Revenue per Referral Given shows the strength of referrals passed by an individual (as well as the effect of longevity in the group). This concept is similar to a "close ratio" for referrals. Low average $ per referral means the referrals aren't turning into business, or in some instances that all the referrals passed are going to businesses with a low average sale price (for example, gift baskets).
New Member Rankings (Coming soon)
These rankings are the same as the Chapter Rankings, but only newer members (with Activation Date within the past four months) appear. New members should be recognized for their activity, and this screen keeps them from getting buried under the more established members.
Your chapter is not required to track attendance to use ChapterTracker. However, we suggest you take advantage of this functionality. The Attendance screen lets all members clearly see where they stand in terms of this aspect of participation. You may review totals by date range.
Revenue Discrepancies
This screen is a list of all unresolved Revenue Requests. The primary value of this screen is the occasion when a specific member or two fail to report their revenue received for an extended period of time. Their delinquency will be visible to all members, and the group may act to ensure that credit is given where due.
Roster (Coming soon)
The Roster displays contact information in three sections: Active Members, Former Members, and Visitors. Never again will you need to answer an email or phone call asking for somebody's contact info or for a list of substitutes. It's all right here!
As more and more chapters and organizations utilize, the history that we build together will enable more comparisons and insights. Over time, we will add screens that allow you to view:
- Organizational summaries and rankings
- Regional summaries and rankings
- Comparisons and rankings versus other chapters (searchable by area)
- Recognition for top individuals by profession (you may opt out)
...and MUCH MORE...
Change Profile
Your chapter Admin was required to enter only minimal information about you in order to create the chapter account. The Admin can alter your profile when needed, but we expect most Admins to leave that task to you.
Please make sure your Profile is up to date. Any time you change your email address, phone number, etc., you will need to update your Profile. The contact information you provide is posted to your chapter roster and used by your fellow members and ChapterTracker to conduct business with you. You will also select your type of business, which will allow us (over time) to help you see how you are doing versus others in your category.
You will notice that we require you to enter your goals for the year. Don't can change them later, and you should if your goals were greatly under- or overstated. Ask your chapter leadership about setting goals, or follow this quick example:
- Revenue Received—How much revenue do you want to receive this year in order to make a sufficient return on your investment in this networking group? Don't aim too high (building business can take time) or too low.
- Referrals Received—Divide the revenue you want to receive by the average sales price for the products or services you intend to sell through your chapter. You need to receive that many leads or referrals to reach your revenue goal. If yours is a business with big price tags, then you will need fewer referrals to reach the same goal as someone who sells a high volume of low-priced items.
- Revenue Given—How much business can you pass? A good target is to give somewhere in the neighborhood of what you expect to receive. Be realistic, though. And don't wring your hands and leave this portion blank...choose a number and revise it when you see how things are going.
- Referrals Given—If your chapter has an established Average Revenue per Referral, you can divide the revenue you expect to give by that average number to get the number of referrals. Or simply pick another reasonable number.
Feel free to change your goals at any time. These are flexible goals!
You will be required to fill in all information marked with a * before leaving this screen. If a piece of information is incorrect, but you cannot change the item, you will need to notify your Chapter Administrator about the needed revision.
Change Password
Your initial password is generated randomly and emailed to you. You may change your password at any time. Please choose a password that you will remember. If you forget your password, click the link in the login box. Your current password will be emailed to you. Your chapter Admin is unable to view your password.
Email the Group (Coming Soon)
This function will place email addresses from ChapterTracker into an email generated by your computer's email program. You may select all Active Members, all Former Members, and/or all Visitors. Email to one, two, or all three of these groups. To email an individual, please use your email program as you normally do.
Now is a great time to update your profile.